General Rules & Guidelines
- New admissions will be made subject to availability of seats.
- Students who have completed at least six years by 30th Sept. by 15th June of the academic year may be admitted to Std. I. It is therefore essential that the Birth Certificate be submitted in original at the time of admission in support of the Declaration regarding date of birth.
- Students coming from recognized schools will not be admitted without the original Leaving Certificate from that school.
- If they come from a recognized school outside the State they shall have their Leaving Certificate counter- signed by the inspecting authority of that State. (Transfer Certificate)
- Pupils will be given admission only through proper channels. No special reference or recommendation will be entertained or considered.
- Annual fees are payable in one stroke / installments as prescribed by the school on or before the scheduled dates.
- Fees once paid are not transferable / adjustable or refundable under any circumstances.
- Parents will be expected to pay separately to the school for Outstation tours,
- Transport Fee / Sports Fee is payable separately as applicable at the time of admission / raising the Invoice.
- If Admission is cancelled in the midterm, No Dues Certificate and Leaving Certificate will be issued only after clearance of the fees for the whole year.
- All students are expected to attend on all school days and for the full day. Half day applications will not be entertained.
- Students must be present in the school after holidays / vacations on the reopening day of the school. They must also remain present in the school on the last working day of the school, preceding the holidays / vacations.
- No leave of absence is granted except on previous written application from parents or guardians and only for valid reasons.
- A minimum of 75% of the total attendance of the academic session would be necessary to appear for the final examination and promotion. Shortage of attendance upto 15% may be condoned in case of genuine illness provided an authentic medical certificate is submitted.
- If a student fails to appear for any test, examination, practical, project work, he /she will be considered as failed in that test, examination, practical, project work. No retest / re exam will be conducted. If the absence is due to serious illness then an application for such leave supported with a medical report should be submitted to the Principal and an average of the student’s performance will be calculated.
- Best Attendance Award
- School shall always motivate students to attend the school regularly and may acknowledge such students who achieve 100% attendance with a certificate, subject to other rules and regulations related to the same. If any student receives a written remark for incomplete uniform, late attendance, cleanliness or for poor conduct, then that student will not be considered for the best attendance award.
- Students are expected to dress and behave in a manner appropriate to the member ship of the school and should observe the uniform regulations throughout the school day and on such occasions as shall be announced.
- Correct and tidy school uniform with identity card must be worn daily by the students. Students without the same will not be permitted in.
- The school’s responsibility with regards to the uniform is strictly focused and limited to finalizing the best quality available at competitive rates, uniform colour and pattern and providing the school logo in order to maintain uniformity among the students. The school shall be in no way responsible for the quality of the uniform, rates, colour fading, stitching issues, outlet services issues, etc. and shall not entertain any such complaints.
- There is one fundamental school rule, that all students at all times will behave well and sensibly and show courtesy, consideration and respect for others and do nothing that will bring the school’s name into disrepute.
- The school reserves the right to make changes in the School Rules, which will be communicated to students and parents and shall be binding to all..
- Although the school is not responsible for the behaviour of its students outside its premises, due notice will be taken of reports of misbehavior and disciplinary action will be taken against them if the report is substantiated on proper enquiry.
- No pupil is exempted from Games and Physical Training without a Medical Certificate. The period of exemption should be specified.
- Spoken English is encouraged in the school and within the school premises. All students are expected to speak strictly in English only once they wear the school uniform
- Transport service is an optional service facilitated and outsourced by the school for the convenience of its students.
- The school bus facility available to the student cannot be expected or demanded as a matter of right. The Transport Department at their own discretion has the right to disallow any student from availing the bus facility.
- Students availing the bus facility will be provided with a bus no, pick up and alighting stop no. Generally the bus timings will operate within 10 to 15 minutes of the pickup and alighting time. Parents are requested to accommodate the same.
- Any Change in the bus timings will be notified to the parent by the Transport Department.
- Students will have to board and alight the school bus at the respective stops allotted to them only. The Transport Dept. reserves the rights to allot the stops.
- Silence and order must be maintained in the library.
- Only one book at a time will be issued on appointed days.
- Library books are issued only to the students of Grade 1 and above.
- No pupil may keep the book with him/her for more than 7 days.
- If a student loses a book the student will have to replace the book or pay a fine equal to the value of the book
School will see that the following principles of discipline are observed.
- Regularity and implicit obedience in the school.
- Politeness and courtesy of speech and conduct as well as cleanliness of dress and person are inculcated.
- Pupils are made to realize that they are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in the school but also for the general behaviour outside.
- Cleanliness/hygiene must be maintained. It is important to us at school that the child is safe from possible illnesses and diseases.
- At the first bell the pupils will enter their respective classes. At the second bell, they will stand up in silence for the school assembly prayer.
- Pupils are expected to come to school provided with all that is necessary for their day’s work. Borrowing or lending of pencils, rubbers, rulers, instrument box, etc. is discouraged.
- Personal cleanliness and hygiene are greatly recommended to all. The students should be particularly careful not to throw any papers, seeds, etc. anywhere in the school premises. They should use the baskets and bins especially provided for this purpose.
- Pupils from one class may not visit their friends in any other class during their recess.
- Students must speak strictly in English only in the school premises, school bus and even during any school functions conducted outside the school premises.
- Silence must be observed in the corridors and on the stairs during class hours. There should be NO TALKING at the change of periods.
- Silence must be observed outside the Principal’s office.
- Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is never allowed..
- Parents are expected to support and reinforce the school rules and policies. The school expects parents to attend parent-teacher meetings, school functions and thus show their interest in their student’s school activities.
- Parents, guardians or other persons are not allowed to speak to the students or their teachers during class hours / during transition without the permission of the Principal. Appointments may be made before hand to interact during a teacher’s free period, with the approval of the Principal.
- The school will insist on strict punctuality, regular school attendance, cleanliness in dress, general grooming and fidelity to study and work assignments. Absence from school for merely social functions will be strongly discouraged.
- Students who neglect their lessons will be required to stay in school after class to complete their lessons.
- Parents or guardians are specially requested to notify the school of any change in their address or telephone numbers.
- When communicating with the Principal, parents are requested to mention in their letters the standard, name, roll number and division in which their children are studying.
- Parents are requested to cooperate with the school in all its activities including planning / organizing / volunteering / sponsoring / compeering events, annual day, sports day, other programmes etc as and when required. Parents are also expected to voluntarily extend their expertise and knowledge in their respective fields for the betterment of students and school, if the school seeks for the same..